Interests and Expertise: Logic, linguistics, and grammar; philosophy: epistemology; religion, and theology; British, German, and American Romantic literature and Sturm und Drang; computers and computer culture; science fiction and the science fiction film; German language, culture, and recent events; religion, ethics, and public policy.
Dr. Reinhold Schlieper
2015 to present at various times: African American Cultural Society Financial Secretary, Parliamentarian; NAACP, Assistant Treasurer; Flagler/Volusia ACLU, Board Member, President
1987 to 2014--Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Tenured Associate Professor of Humanities Teaching Assignments: Introduction to Logic, Computer-Assisted Writing and Technical Writing, Technical Writing with ESL Emphasis, German as Second Language, World Philosophy, Values and Ethics, Advanced Grammar, Modern Literature: Science Fiction.
Advisor to Riddle Players Drama Club (1992/93), Philosophy Club (1998/99 to 1999/2000), German-Student Club (1999/2000), Philosophy Club (2003), and Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity (2002 to 2004)..
Educational Software Development: served on Academic Utilization Committee; wrote, tested, and used several programs for student placement and follow-up evaluation to improve departmental efficiency.
Other: appointed course monitor for technical writing with engineering focus, appointed to Graduate Faculty in December of 1990, tenured in 1992.
Phillips Junior College: Adjunct Lecturer in Computer Science (1989)
Daytona Beach Community College: Adjunct Lecturer for Introduction to Philosophy and Contemporary American Literature (1990)
1976 to 1987--Parkersburg Community College Tenured Associate Professor of English Promoted to Assistant Professor in 1978, promoted to Associate Professor in 1982, Acting Coordinator of English Department in 1981/82, elected Chair of Faculty Assembly for 1981/82, appointed to Associate Professor of English and Computer Science in 1986/87, elected Chair of College-Wide Instruction and Curriculum Committee, appointed member of State-wide Program Review Committee.
West Virginia University's Center at Parkersburg: Adjunct Lecturer of Linguistics
Glennville State College at Parkersburg: Adjunct Lecturer of British Literature, Adjunct Lecturer of Transformational Grammar
1983 to 1986--Institute of Public Administration, Riyadh, Saudi ArabiaVisiting Associate Professor of English as a Second Language (emphasis on Computer-Science ESP); Coordinator of Computer-Science ESP and of Learning-Materials Development for Computer-Science ESP; Developer of CALL package for DOS computers.
University of Maryland's Center at Riyadh (European Division): Adjunct Lecturer of Composition and Technical/Business Writing.
1979 to 1980--Al-Fateh University, Tripolis, Libya Visiting Assistant Professor of English as a Second Language and Coordinator of Language-Laboratory Programs for the College of Education.
September, 1975 to December, 1975--Indiana University's East CampusAdjunct Lecturer of Composition and Literature
1969 to 1975--Ball State University Instructor in English
An Analysis and Summary of the Fiction of Christa Wolf, Salem Press, November 2010.
Review of Eric Metaxas' Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy! Salem Press, November, 2010.
Review of the Funerary Business: Cemetery and Crematory Industries. Salem Press's Guide to Industries and Careers, March, 2010.
Summary and Review of Immanuel Kant's Critique of Judgment [Kritik der Urteilskraft]--Mazzeno, Laurence M., Editor. Masterplots: Fourth Edition, November 2010, pp. 1247 to 1249.
Summary and Review of Immanuel Kant's Critique of Practical Reason [Kritik der praktischen Vernunft]--Mazzeno, Laurence M., Editor. Masterplots: Fourth Edition, November 2010, pp. 1250 to 1252.
Summary and Review of G. E. Moore's Principia Ethica--Mazzeno, Laurence M., Editor. Masterplots: Fourth Edition, November 2010, pp. 4709 to 4712.
Summary and Review of Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead's Principia Mathematica--Mazzeno, Laurence M., Editor. Masterplots: Fourth Edition, November 2010, pp. 4713 to 4714.
Summary and Review of Erich Maria Remarque's "Im Westen nichts Neues" (All Quiet on the Western Front)--Mazzeno, Laurence M., Editor. Masterplots: Fourth Edition, November 2010, pp. 135 to 137.
"The Love of Language: Teaching Students in the Affective Domain." Florida Foreign Language Journal: A Publication of the Florida Foreign Language Association, Inc. Vol. 5, No. 1, Fall 2008.
Editorial Comment: Does Cutting Benefits Really Help Taxpayers? Flagler/Palm Coast News-Tribute, May 24, 2008, page 2A.
Community Voices: Why the Evolution vs. Science [Design] Row Replays Again and Again. The Daytona Beach NewsJournal, May 1, 2008, page 5A.
Review of Cornelius Eady's Brutal Imagination. Salem Press's Masterplots II: African-American Literature, March 6, 2009, pp. 284-288.
Review of Cornelius Eady's The Autobiography of a Jukebox. Salem Press's Masterplots II: African-American Literature, March 6, 2009, pp. 73-76.
Review of Walter Dean Myers' Monster. Salem Press's Masterplots II: African-American Literature, March 6, 2009, pp. 1123-1126.
Review of Lolita Files' Scenes from a Sistah. Salem Press's Masterplots II: African-American Literature, March 6, 2009, pp. 1666-1669.
Response to Nina Garrett's Article "The Problem with Grammar: What Kind Can the Language Learner Use?" ATEG Journal, Volume 23, Number 1, Fall 2007, page 10.
Tweaking a Moral Hero: Doblmeier vs. Bonhoeffer. Paper read at Florida Philosophical Association's Conference on November 11, 2007.
Community Voices: Without Solid Crash Data, Helmet Dispute Is Worthless. The Daytona Beach News Journal, September 22, 2007, p. 5A; reprinted in Abate of Florida, Vol. 36, Issue 12, page 23.; republished by http://rider-sam.blogspot.com/2007/09/philosopher-my-new-hero.html.
The Existentialist Lectures of Karl Jaspers--September '07 Salem Press's Masterplots II: Christian Literature
The Ethics of Dietrich Bonhoeffer--September '07 Salem Press’s Masterplots II: Christian Literature
Community Voices: Line Blurs Between 'Man' and Meat. The Daytona Beach News Journal, April 5, 2007, p. 5A
Community Voices: 'Eye for an Eye' Was Counsel for Restraint, not License to Kill. The Daytona Beach NewsJournal, January 2, 2006, p. 5A
Kant's Reflections About War [Florida Philosophical Association--Nov 12, 2005]
Ethical Borders in Fiction [Florida College English Association--Nov 3, 2005]
"Using Contemporary Film in the Teaching of Ethics." Paper read at APPE's conference in San Antonio in 2005.
"Monster" as a Case Study in Ethics. Paper read at Florida Philosophical Association's meeting at Jacksonville in 2004.
Community Voices: No Moral Balance in a Society that Would Heft Bats in Revenge [August 11, 2004]
A Future of Value. Paper read at Florida Philosophical Association's meeting and at APPE's conference in Cincinnati in 2004.
Community Voices: Vatican's Empty Argument Against Homosexual Union. The Daytona Beach NewsJournal, August 8, 2003, page 5A.
Community Voices: Presumptions of Entitlement in Distribution of Property. The Daytona Beach NewsJournal, February 13, 2003, page 5A.
Contribution to “Clarifying Goals for Teaching the Holocaust,” Classroom Notes Plus: A Quarterly of Teaching Ideas, January 2001, 13.
Technical Communication: A Computer-Based Distance Learning Course. developed by way of WebCT for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Department of Distance Learning, September, 2000.
A Proposal of an Image Generator Translation from English to German for Lockheed Martin. Post-editing by and submission to CAE Elektronik and ATLAS Elektronik, 1995.
"Comments About Verbals: Tense or Tenseless?" Syntax in the Schools, April, 1994.
HU 221: Technical Writing Daytona Beach: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, September 1991. [Book, software, and learning materials for a course offered in the Department of Independent Studies.]
Technical Report Writing: A Correspondence Study Course. Palm Coast, Florida: US Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Center for Management Development, September, 1991.
Beta-Tester for Lexica: A Multi-Lingual Thesaurus. WordStar International and Microlytics, 1991.
A.I. Joins ATC Project in ACS Department, ACS Program (Winter, 1991-92), p. 8.
Software documentation for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's Intelligent Air-Traffic-Control Training System.
Intelligent Air-Traffic-Control Training System. Pamphlet for distribution at National ATC Conference in Washington, D.C., 1991.
"Guest Editorial: German Educational System Shouldn't Be a Model for the U.S." The News Journal of Daytona Beach, April 18, 1990, 5A.
Grade-Calculation Template for Analytic Essay Scoring. Supplementary material for the eleventh edition of Harbrace Handbook. Orlando: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990.
"Computer-Assisted Composition: Grade Calculation." The Computer-Assisted Composition Journal (Summer, 1988), pp. 1-10.
"Comments About Software Piracy." Chronicle of Higher Education (September 2, 1987), p. B4.
"Comments on Nancy Rennau Tumposky's 'Behavioral Objectives, the Cult of Efficiency, and Foreign Language Learning: Are They Compatible?" TESOL Quarterly March, 1985.
"The Computer as a Reading Teacher." IPA Newsletter 31. May, 1984.
"Course Design and Test Anxiety." IPA Newsletter 28. February, 1984.
"Needs Assessment and Curriculum Design." IPA Newsletter 27. January, 1984.
Other Publications and Presentations
Letter to the Editor: The Fetus and The Woman, Daytona Beach NewsJournal, February 9, 2010
Letter to the Editor: Need for Help Outweighs Need for Not Helping, Daytona Beach NewsJournal, October 20, 2009.
Letter to the Editor: Peace in Canaan, Daytona Beach NewsJournal, September 25, 2009
Public Debate: Atheism and Agnosticism at Unitarian-Universalist Society of the Daytona Beach Area, April 4, 2009.
Conducted Workshop for Collegiate Pride Conference at ERAU, March 28, 2009. "The Right to Know: Sex Education in Our Schools." In collaboration with Lynn Koller and George Griffin, ACLU.
Local Host for Florida Philosophical Society's Meeting in Daytona Beach on November 14-16, 2008.
Letter to the Editor: Cameras in Traffic . . . .
Presentation at Daytona CFI--Scientific Naturalism [August 20, 2006]
Notes for "What's Wisdom?" [UU--Oct 23, 2005]
Notes for a Discussion of "Männer wie wir" [Cinematique of Daytona--Nov 6 and Nov 8, 2005]
The Ethical Classroom, Part II: The Ethical Use of Student Evaluations Center for Teaching, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 2005.
What Then Should We Teach: Thoughts About Teaching Ethics Across the Curriculum Center for Teaching, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, August, 2004.
Sundry letters to editors of publications.
Just-War Reflections. Sermon at the Unitarian-Universalist Society of the Daytona Beach Area, May 25, 2003
Kind and Generous Saddam Hussein: Some Paradoxes of Moral Community. Sermon at the Unitarian-Universalist Society of the Daytona Beach Area, December 3, 2000.
Atheist Spirituality. Sermon at the Unitarian-Universalist Society of Daytona Beach, August 28, 1999.
Evaluating Web-Sites. Presentation. Nashville: NCTE Conference Participation, November 22, 1998.
The Computer-Oriented Classroom. Presentation. Gainesville: Annual Assembly of the Florida District Unitarian-Universalist Association, April 18, 1998.
Awareness of Gay Issues by Way of The Left Hand of Darkness. Presentation. Detroit: NCTE Conference Participation, November 22, 1997.
"NCTE-TALK, Talk, Talk." Panel Discussion. Chicago: NCTE Conference Participation, November 23, 1996.
"Comments About 'Questioning Kevorkian's Motives.'" Newsweek, January 10, 1994, p. 14.
Beta-Tester for WINCIM, a German Windows-based information-management system of CompuServe's German branch.
"Deutsche Beamte." Comment read on Unter uns gesagt--Über uns gesagt. Deutsche Welle, April 19, 1993.
"Berühmte Unitarier." Rundbrief der deutschen Unitarier: Gemeinde Kassel, 33. Jahrgang 1, Nr. 1. February, 1993.
Computational Tools in the Teaching of Grammar and Writing. Third Annual Conference of the Association of Teachers of English Grammar, Williamsport, Pennsylvania: June, 1992.
Computer-Assisted Testing and Learning Gain. Interface Conference, Atlanta, Georgia: September, 1990.
"Whence ADA?" ACS Program. Winter, 1989/90, p. 7.
Testing to Learn: The Mastery Concept in Logic Instruction. Conference of the Florida Philosophical Association, Bethune-Cookman College: November 12, 1988.
The Use of Computer-Assisted or Computer-Based English and Language Learning. West Virginia Association of College English Teachers, March, 1987.
ESP Syllabus Design and Choice of Materials. Symposium '85: The Problems of Teaching English in Saudi Arabia, Institute of Public Administration, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1985.
The Crystal Ball of Science Fiction. West Virginia Public Broadcasting System, December, 1978.
Numerous travelogues, lectures, and sermons--some remunerated--for civic groups, clubs, schools, and Unitarian-Universalist Societies. 1976 to present.
Didactics in Orbit: Nietzsche from Mars. Science Fiction Forum of the Midwestern Modern Language Association: November, 1975.
Graduate Certificate, University of New South Wales’ Department of Philosophy: Graduate Certificate in Professional Ethics, May, 2002
University of Montana’s Professional Ethics Center: Fundamentals of Professional Ethics: Aristotle, Kant, Mill, and Contemporary Feminist Ethicists; Ethics in Film; The Teaching of Ethics and the Ethical Classroom—attended graduate courses of study during summer of 2000, 2002, and 2003
Ph.D. Ball State University: British and American literature--Cognate: linguistics--Dissertation: The Metaphysical System Underlying the Prophetic Works of William Blake, 1974
M.A. Ball State University: Philosophy--Thesis: On the Road to Poetry: Heidegger on Language, 1973
M.A. Ball State University: English language and literature--Thesis: Jesus, Orc, and Luvah in the Prophetic Works of William Blake, 1969
B.A. Texas Christian University: English and Religion, 1967